The Scooter Line 1964
Kenny Wharram - Stan Mikita -Doug Mohns
Stan Mikita was born on May 20, 1941 at Sokolce, Czechoslovakia. Mikita played with the Chicago Black Hawks from 1958 to 1980. Stan won the Art Ross Trophy four times. Doug Mohns, Stan Mikita and Ken Wharram played on the Scooter Line and led the Hawks to the Stanley Cup finals in 1965.
Stan Mikita introduced curved sticks into the NHL. In 1966-67 he won the Art Ross Trophy, Hart Trophy and the Lady Byng. The next season he won another Triple Crown. He scored his 500th NHL goal on February 27, 1977. He retired during the 1980 season. Stan was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1983.