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Harold Mohns and the 1951 Capreol Mohawks
Harold Mohns and the 1951 Capreol Mohawks
by George Quackenbush
With the ice turning liquid for seagull and duck,
We know it’s time to dispose of the puck.
So for Capreol Mohawks let’s do all we can,
To express our faith in the goodness of man.

Now cheers for our goalies, Les Laird and Bruce Miles,
I trust they will surely approve of our smiles.
The times they’ve been shot at, the pucks they have stopped,
It’s only in Pro their performance is topped.

We mustn’t lose Prescott, the son of the Mayor,
And give him the credit for doing his share.
And also Jim Beatty, from Capreol Yard,
It’s great to know Jimmy is always on guard.

And what about Boom Boom, young Norman Giroux,
You’d think jet propulsion was pushing him through!
And when Dougie Fraser gets on defence,
The game we call hockey begins to make sense.

The little Scots White brothers, Terry and Doug,
Fit right into hockey like bugs in a rug.
And brotherly love is a coach’s delight,
So don’t start a battle with brothers named White!

When Candler and Drago and Rene Lepage,
Take off like a Chrysler from Mohns’s garage.
The blue line turns green as tho’ trying to say,
“Sudbury Youth Centre, keep out of the way!”

For getting a rival team into a frenzy,
A lot of the credit should go to MacKenzie.
And rubber legs Kibsey, the electrified wire,
Who mustn’t be crossed or you’re playing with fire!

Bob MacDonald, Lorne Adams and Mr. Pete Dennie,
Whose names are a legend for earning their penny,
And I hear Ronnie Sweezey defending the case,
Of Cayan and Hamlin, so hard to replace.

Now I think it’s high time for us to approach,
The key man, Stan Martin, beloved as a coach,
Reviewing his players, his face really glows,
While he ponders the future of prospective Pros.

Which brings us to Farelli and young Dougie Mohns,
Our boys who are kings on professional thrones.
So let’s shout our welcome on this happy day,
To those who deserve every Hip! Hip! Hooray!
From the Capreol and Valley Express, March 9 1960