Story by: Marshall R Edwards General Manager and Owner of the Capreol Hawks Midget "B", Junior "B" and Junior "A" teams.
In 1966, I approached the Capreol Minor Hockey Association who were having difficulty in getting the team together and getting a coach. I said I would coach them and with the help of Al Carisse, we ran the team for two years. Then in 1967, I approached Bob Mazzuca to see if he would sponsor us and he said he would. The team then became the Capreol Mazzuca Hawks. Along with my brother Bob Edwards, we registered the team in the NOHA as the Capreol Hawks. It was at this time I required a new coach and trainers. I saw Philip DelPapa and asked him if he would take over as head coach and he said he would. Another thing I needed was a person who was a fund raiser, so I asked Andy Dufresne and he said he would help us. The job of trainers went to Garnet Freeland and Bruce Miles.
In 1966, we won the Ontario Midget "B" Championship then again in 1969. The following year in 1970, we won the League Championship.
In 1970, I started the Capreol Junior "B" Hawks with my brother Bob and handed the job over to Bruce Miles who became manager. He got Norm Giroux and Jim Cappadocia to coach them. They won another Ontario Championship in1971.
I don't remember the exact date, but around this time the Capreol Minor Hockey Association President Bob Lusk, approached me and asked if Capreol Minor Hockey could use our name. I said that it would be nice to see all the teams called the Capreol Hawks.
Bruce Miles, who now was sponsoring and running the Midget Hawks, went on to win another Ontario Championship in 1976 as the Capreol Hawks. It took over 20 years for Capreol to win another Ontario Midget "B" Championship. It should be noted that no other Midget Team in the entire province has won that many championships; for a town as small as Capreol.
My brother moved to Montreal. I then sought the services of Andy Haritakis along with Dave Kilgour, Terry Lawson, Keir Kitchen and not be forgotten, Al LeRoy, to help in running the Junior "A" Hawks. The last couple of years, Denise McKinnon and Lynn Menard assisted in operating the Hawks. The reason I had to give up running the Hawks, was due to health problems in 1986.
Another Capreol Team, the Capreol Red Wings, also won the all Ontario Intermediate "C" Hockey Championship with Bob Edwards as Manager along with Stu Thomas as Coach and Player.